Learning Materials

Infographic: The 5 Minute Self-Care Solution



Instructional Design

Graphic Design


2 hours


Remote Educators


When educators made the switch from face-to-face learning to remote learning at the start of Covid in 2020, stress levels increased and job performance decreased.

These educators needed a quick and easy reference to remind them of the top three self-care solutions they had learned earlier in the year at a professional learning seminar. At the time of the seminar, the information was only presented in a slideshow format and on a paper handout. There was little to no learning transfer among educators after this information was presented.

The challenge was to provide educators with a quick reference that wouldn't take very long to successfully implement, and allow them to get back to work quickly with little interruptions to their work.


Using simple, straight-forward, and visually-appealing graphic design, this infographic reiterates the top three self-care solutions that were previously presented.

This infographic helps to solve the problem of professional educators experiencing feelings of stress due to the transition from face-to-face learning to remote learning during Covid.


After a follow-up with teachers in the two weeks that followed, teachers reported that:

1) this infographic was useful in quickly relieving the feeling of stress,

2) it allowed them to come back more refreshed to whatever they were working on, and

3) the strategies were transferable to other areas of their lives, alleviating stress, and leading to more productivity and engagement at work.

Some teachers mentioned that they also used the reference listed at the bottom of the infographic, which links to the APA (American Psychological Association) further resources on mental health and additional self-care strategies, for themselves and family members.

Job Aid: Apply Your Brand Colors in Canva

Tools: Canva

Time: 2 hours

Client: Bright & Associates

This job aid was created in Canva and was designed to supplement the e-course How to Apply Brand Colors in Canva. The job aid condenses what was learned in the e-course, giving the learner a quick how-to guide on the skills that were learned during the e-course.